Abstract Scene


It is time for Watercolour Wednesday and today we are guided via CeeCeeCreations. CeeCee is one of the teams favourite artist's, and you may remember seeing her videos previously.

For her scene, she used Moonglow as one of her colours. I never bought Moonglow as I heard it fades in the sun badly. So I mixed a colour to use, not at all like Moonglow, but more in the reds using so I mixed up a colour using Daniel Smith watercolours.
In order to make my colour I needed Viridian, which I also did not have. So I mixed French Ultramarine Blue with Sap Green to make the dark green colour I used. I then mixed that mixture with Ultramarine Blue and Quinacridone Coral to get the pinkish shade.

Watering down some of my mixes also changed the colour tone, which I liked.
I cannot say this is what I really wanted, but it was okay. I will play with these colours and another time to try mixing for Moonglow. To watercolour the branch I used Sepia alone.

Thank you for visiting today.

See you next time.


xoxo, Kia