Birch Trees


This is "Birch Trees". Yes, it is time for watercolour Wednesday and this week I am hostess. We are painting Birch Trees, among other items for our challenge. You can view the video here.

I used the 3 colours as mentioned by the Artist, by way of mixing the needed colours. The colours used for the mixture are Ultramarine Blue, Burnt Sienna and Quinacridone Gold.
As I was not doing as large a picture as the Artist had done, I had to change up a few things. Once was the river and the background trees. On the Birch Tree side of the river I should have painted a dark shoreline, which would have helped with the appearance.

I will do that later to correct it. I also added splatters using Burnt Umber watercolour.
I painted the Heart in with the Ultramarine Blue watercolour, which is unexpected but I really do like the look of it.

I added a watered down Ultramarine Blue for the snow before I did the splatters.

Thank you for your visit.

See you next time. 


xoxo, Kia