Quirky Bird


It is time for Watercolour Wednesday at Splitcoaststampers.com. I am hosting the challengethis week and have picked something very easy for all to do, and I think rather cute too!

He is called: Quirky Bird

I am using Arches cold press watercolour paper today.

Of course most know of my love for birds, so this image is very fitting for me. 

I painted with Daniel Smith watercolours using Turquoise, Reds, Phthalo Blue, Neutral Tint, Transport Pyrrol Orange, Quinacridone Burnt Scarlett, Ultra Marine Turquoise and Hansa Yellow along with White Acrylic Winsor Newton Paint.

I added marks that the artist recommended using the white acrylic paint along with the a few different colours such as the green.

I do hope you enjoy this little bird and I hope you give him a try. The artist has available on her site all her drawings for no price that you can download and trace to make it all easy.

Thanks for visiting today.

See you next ttime.


xoxo, Kia