Loose Watercolour Gnomb


This is "Loose Watercolour Gnomb".

It is my turn to host this week's Watercolour Wednesday challenge and I picked one of my favourite artists' to visit, Joanne Boon Thomas. She always has something that tickles me, and today it is this sweet Knomb.

Joanne gave us the colours she used for her Gnomb but I went off on my own using Daniel Smith watercolours in French Ultramarine, Permanent Red Deep and Lunar Black. A short list but perfect for my needs.

I kept the painting very loose, one of my favourite ways to paint, using Arches Cold Press watercolour paper.

I very much enjoyed painting this fun Gnomb and hope you have enjoyed it as well.

Thanks so much for visiting with me today.

See you next time.

xoxo, Kia